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South Dakota Jury Instructions

Title Case_Typesort ascending Judge Issue/Charge Year_Filed Division Case_Number Document
Nathan P. Kobasic vs. Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. CIVIL Schreier Medical Malpractice 2 014 Southern CIV14-4118
Tamra Welbig vs. Jordan Hansen; Jordan McCaskill; and Justina Hilmoe CIVIL Piersol Civil Rights Act 2 015 Southern CIV15-4085
Sioux Falls Kenworth vs. Isuzu Commerical Truck of America CIVIL Lange Diversity-Other Contract 2 014 Southern CIV14-4187
Janvrin vs. Continental Resources, Inc CIVIL Schreier Petition for Removal 2 014 Southern CIV14-4124
City of Spearfish vs. Duininck Inc CIVIL Schreier Diversity-Other Contract 2 014 Western CIV14-5039
Linda Miller vs. Huron Regional Medical Center, Inc CIVIL Schreier Diversity-Contract Dispute 2 012 Southern CIV12-4138
Carol Robinson vs. Megan Brennan CIVIL Schreier Job Discrimination 2 015 Southern CIV15-4095
Laura Zylstra Kaiser vs. Bryan Gortmaker CIVIL Kornmann Job Discrimination (Sex) 2 015 Northern CIV15-1030
Cheryl Evans vs. Bryan Den Hartog CIVIL Schreier Medical Malpractice 2 016 Western CIV16-5060
Koltz vs. Haws CIVIL Schreier 28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury 2 016 Southern CIV16-4116
James Elmer Shaw vs. Troy Ponto, et al CIVIL Schreier 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights 2 015 Southern CIV15-4121
Ruby Anderson vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc CIVIL Schreier Diversity-Personal Injury 2 015 Southern CIV15-4180
Edwin Jakubowski, Jr vs. Christle Beuckens CIVIL Viken Personal Injury 2 016 Western CIV16-5116
Cody R. Wientjes vs. Wayne Kanyuh CIVIL Kornmann 28:1441 Petition for Removal- Auto Negligence 2 017 Northern CR17-1005
Angela Veurink v Dr. Jill Murphy CIVIL Piersol Personal Injury 2 018 Southern CIV18-4021
Daniel D. Keyes vs. Menard, Inc CIVIL Lange Personal Injury 2 018 Southern CIV18-4149
Horsley v Heart Hospital of SD CIVIL Lange Medical Malpractice 2 019 Southern 19-4092
Lundstrom vs Homolka CIVIL Kornmann Contract Dispute 2 019 Northern CIV19-1006
Cynthia Rae Rowell et al vs Kevin J. Weiland et al CIVIL Viken Medical Malpractice 2 019 Western CIV19-5002
Nicole Stafford vs. Jeffrey Van Beek CIVIL Schreier Personal Injury 2 020 Southern CIV20-4147
Loren Ainsworth CIVIL Schreier Railways: Fed Employer's Liability Act 2 018 Western CIV18-5019
Kenderidine vs. Schmidt CIVIL Kornmann 28:1332 Diversity-Wrongful Death 2 020 Northern CIV20-1030
Hokel v. Kensinger CIVIL Schreier Medical Malpractice 2 020 Southern CIV20-4119
Gurke vs Gresham CIVIL Schreier Personal Injury 2 019 Western CIV19-5037
Mohamed Gouse Shaik vs Experity fka DocuTap CIVIL Piersol 42:1981 Civil Rights 2 021 Southern CIV21-4103
Ruth Experance vs. Thomas J. Vilsack CIVIL Piersol Job Discrimination 2 020 Western CIV20-5055
Midwest MFG vs. Curt Manufacturing CIVIL Lange Civil Action to Protect Trade Secrets 2 021 Southern CV21-4216
Petersen vs. Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad, Inc. CIVIL Piersol Personal Injury - Federal Employers Liability 2 022 Western CR22-5064
Behm et. al. vs. Schade et. al. CIVIL Moreno Personal Property Damage 2 022 Northern CV22-1013
