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South Dakota Jury Instructions

Title Case_Type Judge Issue/Chargesort ascending Year_Filed Division Case_Number Document
USA vs. Samuel Kills Crow Indian CRIMINAL Viken Assualt with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 017 Western CR17-50019
USA v Darla Yellow Earrings-Rosebud CRIMINAL Kornmann Assaulting, resisting, or impeding a federal officer 2 007 Northern 07-10042
USA v. Harold Drapeau, Jr. CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding a Federal Officer 2 009 Central 09-30096
USA vs. Pete Knight CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, Opposing, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 017 Central CR17-30086
USA vs. Philip Anthony Battese CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Brandishing of a Firearm During a Crime of Violence 2 017 Central CR17-30010
USA vs. Jade LaRoche CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 016 Central CR16-30091
USA vs. Roger Watts CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 017 Central CR17-30017
USA vs. Joseph Elsey CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 021 Central CR21-30102
USA vs. Dylan Josiah Blue Bird CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 022 Central CR22-30114
USA vs. Wilson Brave Heart CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 023 Central CR23-30048
USA vs. Jeremy Young CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 023 Central CR23-30050
USA vs Winona Danley CRIMINAL Kornmann Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding a Federal Officer 2 011 Northern 11-10029
USA vs. Jade LaRoche CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Opposing, Resisting, Impeding, Intimidating, or Interfering with a Federal Officer Involving Physical Contact (Lesser Included) 2 022 Central CR22-30003
USA vs. Donovan Siers CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Opposing, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 016 Central CR16-30120
USA v James Ladeaux CRIMINAL Viken Assaulting a Federal Officer 2 011 Western 11-50128
USA vs Lorenzo Brave Hawk, Sr CRIMINAL Lange Assault with Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 019 Central CR19-30091
USA v Annessa White Eagle, et al. CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with Dangerous Weapon, Burglary 2 008 Northern 08-10009
USA v Richard Steele CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with Dangerous Weapon, Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding a Federal Officer 2 007 Northern 07-10004
USA v Raymond E. Otter Robe CRIMINAL Conmy Assault with Dangerous Weapon, Assault 2 007 Northern 07-10048
USA v White Eagle, Sr. CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with Dangerous Weapon, Assault 2 008 Northern 08-10008
USA v Clayton High Wolf, Sr. CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with Dangerous Weapon 2 008 Western 08-50055
USA v Robert L. Erickson CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with Dangerous weapon 2 008 Central 08-30009
USA v Waylon C. Black Crow, Jr. CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with Dangerous Weapon 2 008 Central 08-30112
USA v. Wendell Albert Yellow Bull CRIMINAL Viken Assault with Dangerous Weapon 2 011 Western 11-50059
USA v Marvin Little Hawk CRIMINAL Viken Assault with Dangerous Weapon 2 011 Western 11-50132
USA vs. Michael Lee Long, Jr. CRIMINAL Lange Assault With a Dangerous Weapon; Simple Assault; Prohibited Person In Possession of a Firearm; Using A Firearm During And In Relation to a Crime of Violence 2 015 Central CR15-30118
USA vs. Tina Sully CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Felony Child Abuse; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 022 Southern CR22-40013
USA vs. Tina Sully CRIMINAL Piersol Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Felony Child Abuse; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 022 Southern CR22-40013
USA vs. James Drapeau CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Child Abuse 2 022 Central CR22-30062
USA vs. Richard Todd Steele CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Influencing, Impeding or Retaliating Against a Federal Official 2 021 Northern CR21-10033
USA vs. Lester Waters, Jr CRIMINAL Viken Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Discharging, Brandishing, or Possessing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence 2 018 Western CR18-50018
USA vs. Elijah West CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Discharging, Brandishing or Possessing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence 2 018 Western CR18-50025
USA vs. Kison Robertson CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Discharge of a Firearm During the Commission of a Crime of Violence 2 017 Western CR17-50059
USA vs. Charles Schrader CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Assault with Intent to Commit Murder; Discharge of a Firearm During the Commission of a Crime of Violence 2 020 Western CR20-50152
USA vs. Andrew Frost CRIMINAL Lange Assault With a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 016 Central CR16-30131
USA vs. Webb CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; and Discharging a Firearm During a Federal Crime of Violence 2 023 Northern CR23-10040
USA vs. Dustin Witt CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Child Abuse 2 017 Central CR17-30036
USA vs. Franklin Long Black Cat CRIMINAL Viken Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 016 Western CR16-50043
USA vs. Richard Steele CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 017 Northern CR17-10023
USA vs. Dennis Lucci CRIMINAL Viken Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 017 Western CR17-50107
USA vs. Virgil Left Hand, Sr. CRIMINAL Viken Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 017 Western CR17-50162
USA vs Crystal Earth CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 018 Central CR18-30051
USA vs. Tiffany Spotted War Bonnet CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 019 Central CR19-30062
USA v. Martin Garreau CRIMINAL Lange ASSAULT WITH A DANGEROUS WEAPON and AID AND ABET 2 013 Central 13-30062
USA v Paul Herron CRIMINAL Battey Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 007 Western 06-50063
USA v Kyle Aaron Thompson CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 008 Central 08-30014
USA v Kelly C. Ward CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 008 Northern 08-10037
USA v Bryan M. Davis CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Central 09-30027
USA v. Shillingstad CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Northern 09-10021
