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South Dakota Jury Instructions

Title Case_Type Judge Issue/Charge Year_Filed Division Case_Number Document
USA vs. Sam Boyd CRIMINAL Moody Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Prohibited Person in Possession of Firearm and Ammunition 2 022 Western CR22-50020
Ruth Experance vs. Thomas J. Vilsack CIVIL Piersol Job Discrimination 2 020 Western CIV20-5055
USA vs. Jeremy Young CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 023 Central CR23-30050
USA vs. Jeremy Young CRIMINAL Lange Possession of Unregistered Firearm; Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person 2 023 Central CR23-30041
USA vs. Vine Phillip Hayes CRIMINAL Schreier First Degree Murder and Aiding and Abetting 2 022 Western CR22-50164
USA vs. Edward Leon Wilson CRIMINAL Lange Domestic Assault by a Habitual Offender 2 023 Central CR23-30079
USA vs JT Myore CRIMINAL Lange Robbery; Aiding and Abetting; Carjacking; Brandishing a Firearm During a Crime of Violence 2 021 Western CR21-50108
USA vs. Elijah West CRIMINAL Lange First Degree Murder; Discharge of a Firearm During a Crime of Violence; Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition by a Prohibited Person; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; 2 022 Western CR22-50013
USA vs. Tina Sully CRIMINAL Piersol Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Felony Child Abuse; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 022 Southern CR22-40013
USA vs. Spencer High Hawk CRIMINAL Viken Aiding and Abetting First Degree Murder 2 022 Western CR22-50113
USA vs. Victor Alfonso Leon-Pacheco CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances; Use of a Communication Facility in the Commission of a Drug Trafficking Crime 2 022 Western CR22-50107
USA vs. Tina Sully CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Felony Child Abuse; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 022 Southern CR22-40013
USA vs. Wilson Brave Heart CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 023 Central CR23-30048
Mohamed Gouse Shaik vs Experity fka DocuTap CIVIL Piersol 42:1981 Civil Rights 2 021 Southern CIV21-4103
USA vs. Martin Tre Black Cloud CRIMINAL Kornmann Simple Assault (Lesser Included) 2 022 Northern CR22-10038
USA vs. Rusty James Driscoll and Shauna Marie Gross CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 021 Southern CR21-40169
USA vs. Gabriel White Plume, Sr. CRIMINAL Viken Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse; Aiding and Abetting Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Assault by Strangulation and Suffocation; Distribution of a Controlled Substance to an Individual Under 21; Tampering with a Witness; 2 023 Western CR23-50025
USA vs. Anthony Red Elk CRIMINAL Viken Aggravated Sexual Abuse; Sexual Abuse; Sexual Abuse of a Minor; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 021 Western CR21-50168
USA vs. Joseph Thompson, Sr. CRIMINAL Lange Voluntary Manslaughter (Lesser Included) 2 023 Central CR23-30055
USA vs. Edwin Giovanni Salinas CRIMINAL Kornmann Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 023 Northern CR23-10008
USA vs. Mario Lopez, Jr. CRIMINAL Lange Assault by Striking, Beating and Wounding 2 023 Central CR23-30046
Gurke vs Gresham CIVIL Schreier Personal Injury 2 019 Western CIV19-5037
USA vs. Michael Raymond Holst CRIMINAL Viken Receipt of Child Pornography; Obscene Visual Representation of the Sexual Abuse of Children; Possession of Child Pornography 2 022 Western CR22-50022
USA vs. Salvador Magana Madrigal, Jr. and Anahai Plascencia Cardona CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments 2 021 Southern CR21-40078
USA vs. James Drapeau CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Child Abuse 2 022 Central CR22-30062
USA vs. Sky Thomas Roubideaux CRIMINAL Piersol Attempted Enticement of a Minor Using the Internet 2 022 Southern CR22-40033
USA vs. James Dean Hanapel CRIMINAL Viken Attempted Enticement of a Minor Using the Internet 2 021 Western CR21-50133
USA vs. Michael Hoeft CRIMINAL Schreier Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person 2 021 Southern CR21-40163
USA vs. Dylan Josiah Blue Bird CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, and Impeding a Federal Officer 2 022 Central CR22-30114
Hokel v. Kensinger CIVIL Schreier Medical Malpractice 2 020 Southern CIV20-4119
USA vs. Barbara McGhee CRIMINAL Lange Simple Assault 2 021 Central CR21-30038
USA vs Harvey Allen Hugs CRIMINAL Viken Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act 2 022 Western CR22-50088
USA vs. Matthew Shawn Buchko CRIMINAL Viken Receipt of Child Pornography; Possession of Child Pornography 2 021 Western CR21-50021
USA vs. Todd Deutsch CRIMINAL Viken Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Western CR20-50006
USA vs. Jordi Raul Rogel-Rodas CRIMINAL Schreier Smuggling Goods from the United States 2 021 Southern CR21-40058
USA vs. Mark James Olson CRIMINAL Schreier Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 021 Southern CR21-40129
USA vs. Darren Flute CRIMINAL Lange Sexual Abuse of a Person Incapable of Consent 2 021 Central CR21-30076
USA vs. Ray Noel Camacho, Sr. a/ka/ "Pato" CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering 2 021 Southern CR21-40042
USA vs. Stephen Gregory Fontenot, Jr. CRIMINAL Viken Attempted Sexual Exploitation of a Minor; Attempted Enticement of a Minor using the Internet 2 021 Western CR21-50137
USA va James Garrett and Levi Garrett CRIMINAL Lange False Statement in Connection with Federal Crop Insurance 2 021 Central CR21-30091
USA vs. Richard Todd Steele CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Influencing, Impeding or Retaliating Against a Federal Official 2 021 Northern CR21-10033
USA vs. Sierra CRIMINAL Schreier Kidnapping; Aiding and Abetting; Aggravated Sexual Abuse by Force; Interstate Domestic Violence; Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury; Assault by Strangulation of a Dating Partner; Kidnapping 2 019 Western CR190-50110
USA vs. Colton Bagola CRIMINAL Viken First Degree Murder; Discharge of a Firearm During the Commission of a Crime of Violence; Tampering with Evidence; Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Western CR20-50012
USA vs. Perez-Ochoa and Radermacher CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments 2 021 Southern CR21-40097
USA vs. Buddy Robert Poor Bear CRIMINAL Lange Sexual Abuse 2 021 Central CR21-30074
USA vs. James Dean Hanapel CRIMINAL Viken Attemped Enticement of a Minor Using the Internet 2 021 Western CR21-50133
Kenderidine vs. Schmidt CIVIL Kornmann 28:1332 Diversity-Wrongful Death 2 020 Northern CIV20-1030
USA v Shavetta Georgetta Johnson CRIMINAL Schreier Distribution of a Controlled Substance Resulting in Death or Serious Bodily Injury 2 022 Southern CR22-40071
USA vs. William Bear Robe CRIMINAL Viken Abusive Sexual Contact; Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Minor; Abusive Sexual Contact 2 019 Western CR19-50077
USA vs. Cody Wayne Hopkins CRIMINAL Viken Attempted Enticement of a Minor Using the Internet 2 020 Western CR20-50095
