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South Dakota Jury Instructions

Title Case_Type Judge Issue/Chargesort ascending Year_Filed Division Case_Number Document
USA vs. Brendon Janis CRIMINAL Viken Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Prohibited Person in Possession of Firearms 2 017 Western CR17-50056
USA vs. Wicahpe Milk CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Prohibited Person in Possession of Firearm; Obstruction of Justice 2 016 Western CR16-50149
USA vs. Sam Boyd CRIMINAL Moody Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Prohibited Person in Possession of Firearm and Ammunition 2 022 Western CR22-50020
USA vs. Edwin Giovanni Salinas CRIMINAL Kornmann Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 023 Northern CR23-10008
USA vs. Floyd CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Central CR20-30082
USA vs. Orlando Dones-Vargas CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 017 Southern CR17-40086
USA vs. Alvin Felicianosoto CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 016 Southern CR16-40120
USA vs. Christopher Lamont Bradshaw CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 017 Central CR17-30101
USA vs. Waylon Young Bird CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 018 Central CR18-30061
USA vs. Eli Erickson, a/k/a Black CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Drug Trafficking Crime; Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person 2 018 Central CR18-30148
USA vs. Daniel Gray Eagle a/k/a Daniel Grey Eagle CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute 2 019 Central CR19-30158
USA v William Stevenson CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Obstructing Justice by Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim or Informant 2 021 Southern CR21-40007-04
USa vs. Jess Brian Ducheneaux CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Maintaing Drug-Involved Premises; Distribution to Persons Under Age Twenty-one; Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Prohibited Person in Possession of a Firearm 2 018 Central 18-30153
USA vs. Shawn Russell Sorensen CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Felon in Possession of a Firearm 2 016 Southern CR16-40062
USA vs. Juan Carlos Apolinar CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; False Statement in Connection with the Purchase of a Firearm 2 017 Southern CR17-40106-03
USA vs. Maurice Bellafonta Cathey, a/k/a Short, and Corrod Leon Phillips CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Distribution of a Controlled Substance Resulting in Death; Distribution of a Controlled Substance Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury 2 018 Southern CR18-40097
USA vs. Jeffery Darnell Mooore CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Distribution of a Controlled Substance Resulting in Death 2 020 Southern CR20-40074
USA vs. Perez-Ochoa and Radermacher CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments 2 021 Southern CR21-40097
USA vs. Salvador Magana Madrigal, Jr. and Anahai Plascencia Cardona CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments 2 021 Southern CR21-40078
USA vs. Ray Noel Camacho, Sr. a/ka/ "Pato" CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance; Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering 2 021 Southern CR21-40042
USA vs. Sanchez, et. al. CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance Resulting in Death 2 023 Western CR23-50096
USA vs. Stanley Gene Schily, Sr. CRIMINAL Kornmann Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Northern CR20-10034
USA vs. Alec Respects Nothing CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Western CR20-50065
USA vs. Jerry Jerome Wise CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Southern CR20-40104
USA vs. Todd Deutsch CRIMINAL Viken Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 020 Western CR20-50006
USA vs. Rusty James Driscoll and Shauna Marie Gross CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 021 Southern CR21-40169
USA vs. Jeffrey Bailey and James Hand CRIMINAL Hovland Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 023 Western CR23-50024
USA vs. Brown Bull CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 023 Western CR23-50111
USA vs. Hagen CRIMINAL Kornmann Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 023 Northern CR23-10017
USA v Azizia Peterson CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-40031
USA v James Michael Wilbourn CRIMINAL Jones Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-40007
USA v Guillermo Ortiz CRIMINAL Jones Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-10047
USA v Viengxay Chantharath, et al. CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-40004
USA v. Jeffrey Harley Strom; and Austin Jon Dalsted CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 013 Southern 13-40040
USA vs. Luciano Camberos-Villapuda CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 013 Southern CR13-40104
USA vs. Jaime Cesar Lora-Andres CRIMINAL Schreier CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 2 013 Southern CR13-40035
USA vs. Jaime Aroldo Duarte-Lopez CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 015 Southern CR15-40106
USA vs. Javier Santos Garcia-Hernandez and Juan Francisco Herrera-Rodriguez CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute A Controlled Substance 2 015 Southern CR15-40119
USA vs. Corey Lee Roelfsema CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 017 Southern CR17-40023-02
USA vs. Justin Thomas Morales, a/k/a "Speedy" CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 016 Southern CR16-40124
USA vs. Frank Edward Adams CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 018 Central CR18-30147
USA vs. Juan Porcayo CRIMINAL Viken Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 017 Western CR17-50148
USA vs. Marques Smith, a/k/a CC CRIMINAL Lange Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 019 Central CR19-30045
USA vs. Gabriel Orlando Ramierz, a/k/a Cheech CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 019 Southern CR19-40035
USA vs. Rex Leon Burtis CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 019 Southern CR19-40023-03
USA vs Bethlehem Shah CRIMINAL Viken Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 018 Western CR18-50089-02
USA v Esteban Ruiz-Chavez CRIMINAL Jones Conspiracy to Distribute 2 007 Southern 07-40083
USA v Hernandez and Martinez CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute 2 008 Western 08-50027
