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South Dakota Jury Instructions

Title Case_Type Judge Issue/Charge Year_Filed Division Case_Number Document
Ryan Jacobson v. Sanford Medical Center, et. al. CIVIL Simko Medical Malpractice 2 009 Southern 09-4067
USA v Phillip C. Running CRIMINAL Lange Production of Child Pornography 2 010 Central 10-30067
USA v Thomas William Frederick CRIMINAL Lange Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child 2 010 Central 10-30021
USA v Guillermo Ortiz CRIMINAL Jones Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-10047
USA v Javier Munoz-Ruiz CRIMINAL Piersol Illegal Reentry After Deportation 2 010 Southern 10-40088
USA v James Michael Wilbourn CRIMINAL Jones Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-40007
USA v Brian Dion Roach CRIMINAL Lange Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child 2 010 Central 10-30022
USA v Azizia Peterson CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance 2 010 Southern 10-40031
USA v Justin Linder CRIMINAL Lange Possession of a Controlled Substance 2 010 Central 10-30033
DeNeui et al v. Wellman et al CIVIL Schreier Medical Malpractice 2 007 Southern 07-4172
Bair and Zephier, v Callahan CIVIL Lange Medical Malpractice 2 009 Southern 09-4009
USA v Jose Garcia, et al CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute Possess with Intent to Distribute 2 009 Southern 09-40029
USA v Joseph Paul Young CRIMINAL Lange Bank Robbery 2 008 Southern 08-40151
Andrea G. Bjornestad v Progressive Northern Insurance Company CIVIL Jones Insurance Contract 2 008 Southern 08-4105
USA v Dominic Stoneman CRIMINAL Lange Arson 2 009 Central 09-30101
USA v. Shana Schmidt CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Central 09-30079
USA v Joseph Jimmy Reynolds, III CRIMINAL Lange Simple Assault 2 009 Central 09-30106
USA v Cruz Hernan Porras-Palma CRIMINAL Viken Possession of Fraudulent Immigration Document 2 010 Western 10-50044
Cindy Tripp adn Lyle Tripp v Western National Mutual Insurance Co. CIVIL Schreier Breach of Contract 2 009 Southern 09-4023
USA v Misty Randall CRIMINAL Viken Manslaughter, Involuntary 2 009 Western 09-50102
USA v Marc Sean Wisecarver CRIMINAL Battey Assault Federal Officer 2 008 Western 08-50087
USA v Marc Sean Wisecarver CRIMINAL Battey Depredation of Government Property 2 008 Western 08-50087
USA v Duane David West CRIMINAL Lange Aggravated Sexual Abuse By Force 2 009 Central 09-30064
USA v Thomas R. Kelley CRIMINAL Piersol Filing False Tax Claim, Tax Evasion 2 008 Southern 08-40173
USA v Vine Richard Marshall CRIMINAL Piersol First Degree Murder and Aiding and Abetting 2 008 Western 08-50079
USA v Sammie Larson CRIMINAL Lange Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Central 09-30099
USA v Mary Lambert CRIMINAL Moreno Concealing Person from Arrest 2 009 Central 09-30096
USA v Joe Bradley CRIMINAL Schreier Distribution Controlled Substance 2 009 Western 09-50029
USA v Matthew Francis Moran CRIMINAL Piersol Possession of Child Pornography 2 009 Southern 09-40031
USA v Jeffrey Betone CRIMINAL Lange Sexual Abuse 2 009 Central 09-30011
Gregory Warger v. Randy Shauers CIVIL Viken Tort / Motor Vehicle 2 008 Western 08-5092
USA v Branyon Pippenger and Tyler Brown CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute 2 007 Southern 07-40055
USA v. Harold Drapeau, Jr. CRIMINAL Lange Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding a Federal Officer 2 009 Central 09-30096
USA v Diaz Left Hand Bull CRIMINAL Lange Aggravated Sexual Abuse By Force 2 009 Central 09-30053
USA v Robert Joseph Reed CRIMINAL Piersol Receipt and Distribution of Chid Pornography 2 008 Southern 08-40010
USA v Charles Little Bear CRIMINAL Schreier Aggravated Sexual Abuse 2 008 Western 08-50067
Conspiracy to Distribute CRIMINAL Piersol Possession of Child Pornography 2 009 Southern 09-40054
USA v Brian Moore CRIMINAL Piersol Conspiracy to Distribute 2 009 Southern 09-40045
USA v Shaun Knox CRIMINAL Lange Sexual Abuse 2 009 Central 09-30066
USA v Todd Allen Tuttle CRIMINAL Piersol Possession of Firearms by Prohibited Person 2 009 Southern 09-40098
Randall Latcham v Gaylon Eaves and Jim O Neal CIVIL Schreier Diversity Tort - Motor Vehicle 2 008 Western 08-5037
USA vs Kent Hazelrigg CRIMINAL Schreier Conspiracy to Distribute 2 008 Western 08-50062-04
USA v. Wayne D. Breitag CRIMINAL Kornmann Smuggling 2 009 Northern 09-10035
USA v. Shillingstad CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Northern 09-10021
USA v Bryan M. Davis CRIMINAL Schreier Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 009 Central 09-30027
USA v. Bear Killer CRIMINAL Schreier Felon in Possession of a Firearm 2 009 Western 09-50038
USA v Ernest Long Visitor CRIMINAL Schreier Aggravated Sexual Abuse 2 009 Western 09-50014
USA v. Bert Cecil Lafferty, Jr. CRIMINAL Kornmann Failure to Register as a Sex Offender 2 008 Central 08-30085
USA v Kelly C. Ward CRIMINAL Kornmann Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 2 008 Northern 08-10037
USA v Harold George Voice CRIMINAL Schreier Failure to Register as a Sex Offender 2 008 Western 08-30101
