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Order Appointing Merit Selection Panel

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Merit Selection Panel shall be formed to assist the United
States District Judges In their determination as to the
reappolntment of the Incumbent magistrate judge, William D.
Gerdes, The panel shall review the Incumbent's performance In
office as a magistrate judge, and consider comments received from
members of the bar and the public, and any other pertinent
evidence as to the Incumbent's good character, judgment, legal
ability, temperament, and commitment to equal justice under the

After considering this Information, the panel, by October 16,
2020, must report to the Court as to whether It recommends the
incumbent for reappolntment to an additional term of office. The
report may contain written reasons for substantiating the panel's
decision. Furthermore, all Information received by the panel as a
result of this process should be included as part of the record
submitted to the Court.

The panel shall Include: Tom Paepke-Chalrperson, Barb
Evans, Jason Tupman, Troy Morley, and Dean Webb.