May 14, 2021
New Full-Time Magistrate Judge Sworn In: Mark A. Moreno was sworn in Monday as the first full-time magistrate judge for the central and northern divisions. Magistrate Judge Moreno previously served as part-time magistrate judge for the central division, a position he held since February 1, 1993.
COVID Update: It’s been more than a year since the pandemic disrupted court operations and things are finally beginning to return to what we call the “new” normal. During the height of the pandemic, the southern and western divisions conducted most hearings remotely. Now most hearings throughout the district are being conducted in person, albeit with masks, Plexiglas barriers, and physical distancing.
From March 2020 through February 2021, we had 14 jury trials and five court trials. This compares with 39 jury trials and seven court trials during the previous 12-month period.
We anticipate a busy trial calendar in the months to come with jury selection and/or trials in some cases being held in locations away from courthouses due to physical distancing requirements.
Accessing Restricted Documents: When the following types of documents are filed in CM/ECF, access to them is restricted:
• Presentence Reports
• Bail Reports
• Recommended Special Conditions
• Social Security Appeal and Immigration Case Documents
• Restricted Transcripts
• Restricted Trial/Hearing Exhibits
Now that our court has transitioned from CurrentGen CM/ECF to NextGen CM/ECF, the process for accessing these restricted documents from a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) email has changed slightly. Previously in CurrentGen CM/ECF, attorneys had to be logged into their CM/ECF account before they clicked on the document number hyperlink contained in an NEF email. Now, in NextGen CM/ECF, attorneys must be logged into their PACER account before they click on the document number hyperlink contained in an NEF email. For additional information about accessing restricted documents, see the attached instructions for How to Access a Restricted Document from an NEF.
Admission Pro Hac Vice: If you’ve saved the court’s local Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice form on your computer’s hard drive, it’s time to replace it. The court recently posted an updated version of the form on the district court’s website under Local Forms. The new form requires applicants to disclose any prior or pending disciplinary actions. To access the updated form, go to the district court’s website located at Click on For Attorneys on the blue menu bar and go to Local Forms > Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice.