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Attorney Newsletter June, 2023

NEWS FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT June 9, 2023 Federal Practice Committee. If you are attending the state bar convention later this month, you may want to attend the

Federal Practice Committee meeting. The Committee meets on June 21st at 10:30 in the Viking Room at the Sioux Falls Ramkota Hotel. The Federal Practice Committee serves as a liaison between the bench and the bar. There are currently 22 committee members, including David Barari, who serves as chair. A membership list is posted on our website.

Document Title Different than Document Name. Did you know that sometimes a document uploaded in CM/ECF contains a “Title” that is different from the document file name? For an example and directions on how to avoid filing documents with this issue, click here: Remove Title from PDF.pdf

In addition, it is helpful to the Court when the caption of your document corresponds as close as possible to the final docket text. Selecting the correct event in CM/ECF and making sure selected dropdown fields are accurate will help ensure that your document title is consistent with what will appear on the Court’s docket sheet. In some instances, you have the ability to type and change the text to match the document.

Reminder. The Court will be closed on Monday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth National Independence Day. The Court will also be closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

Friday, June 9, 2023